My Joyce III
Montauk, NY
Capt John had a very productive morning with the Dave Schennil group. They boxed up a limit of delicious sea bass, a few fluke and some nice macks. Enjoy the fresh local Montauk fish!
The My Joyce is available for charter and we have just a handful of dates left in August so give Capt Ken a call at 516-641-2138!
#myjoycefishing #montaukfishing #fishing #tunafishing #longisland #charterboat #longislandfishing #privatecharter #EastEnd #bottomfishing

My Joyce III
Montauk, NY
Capt John reported that Sunday afternoons trip was action packed for the Eric Leathers charter! It was an easy limit of jumbo knothead sea bass to almost 4lbs! Due to some cancellations we have availability on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The tuna bite is red hot right now too so get your guys together and get in on the action! Call the My Joyce at 516-641-2138!
#myjoycefishing #montaukfishing #fishing #longisland #charterboat #longislandfishing #EastEnd #montauk

My Joyce III
Montauk, NY
Capt John and first Mike confirmed there was an upturn in the fluking today with the Jason Lee charter! They worked hard today and scooped up 15 nice slabs up to 7 pounds and a bushel full of knothead sea bass! All in all it was a great day! Call the My Joyce for availability- we have a few days open next week! 516-641-2138!
#myjoycefishing #montaukfishing #fishing #longisland #charterboat #longislandfishing #EastEnd #bottomfishing #montauk #fluke