My Joyce III
Montauk, NY
The Boys got it done today in not so nice conditions but eveyone went home with bags of tasty filets!The My Joyce has few dates available in September so give us a call at 516-641-2138!
#myjoycefishing #montaukfishing #fishing #longisland #charterboat #longislandfishing #privatecharter #eastend

My Joyce III
Montauk, NY
We had an interesting and very eventful day aboard the My Joyce III on the tuna grounds. Capt John and first mate, Mike, started the day trolling with non stop albie action! John, his sons and crew switched to jigs, landing a couple of bluefin to 40lbs- but losing a nice over and spitting the jig at the boat! On one last drift, they dropped the jig down and it was immediately engulfed by a giant on a jig stick!! For the next 3 hours, they fought hard, only to chafe him off 30 feet below the boat. An experience of a lifetime that no one will forget!! Now is the time to enjoy this wonderful fishery so give us a call at 516-641-2138 for your chance today!
#myjoycefishing #montaukfishing #fishing #longisland #charterboat #longislandfishing #privatecharter #eastend #tunafishing #tuna

My Joyce III
Montauk, NY
The Daniel's family and friends had an excellent day of bottom fishing on the My Joyce this Saturday! We had a nice limit of jumbo seabass, some nice blues, a few fluke and a basket of jumbo scup! We only have some availability in Sept for inshore fishing and offshore tuna fishing, so give us a call at 516-641-2138!
#myjoycefishing #montaukfishing #fishing #longisland #charterboat #longislandfishing #privatecharter #eastend