Weekly Recap
My Joyce III Montauk, NY We had a good week of fishing, with some nice stripers, blues and good bottom fishing as well. We had a few bass over 30lbs (both shorts), fluking was up and down depending on conditions but managed a nice one at 8.5lbs and plenty of jumbo sea bass, which were all released unharmed. And of course, we had as many giant scup as we wanted! Just a side note - in the next few months we will be catching many trophy bass, which will all be released. On the other side of this, many of these fish will be swimming belly up- A waste of a great resource! Say what you like, but it's really a travesty the way fisheries management has operated our fisheries situations! It's not even a joke anymore! Think about that when you release ones that go belly up! Call Captain Ken for availability at 516-641-2138